Ropes in Trees

12,99 19,80 

A Guide to Better Temporary Rope Elements
by Philipp Strasser

English edition of our bestselling handbook on temporary rope courses Spannung zwischen Bäumen

Lieferzeit: 3-4 Werktage

Artikelnummer: 978-3-940562-92-0 Kategorien: ,


144 pages, 20 x 24 cm
19,80 € 26,80 US $ / 17,00 GBP
ISBN 978-3-940562-92-0 (Soft­cov­er)

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eBook, PDF-Download, Printausgabe


Nature pro­vides us with end­less options for adven­ture, learn­ing, and relax­ation. Trees are among nature’s great­est gifts for these pos­si­bil­i­ties. With the tech­niques in this book you will be able to find new adven­ture in the trees by sim­ply bring­ing some ropes, cara­bin­ers, and pul­leys into the for­est and cre­at­ing a vari­ety of excit­ing tem­po­rary rope ele­ments or chal­lenge cours­es that are both fun and envi­ron­men­tal­ly sustainable.

Rope ele­ments can be cre­at­ed for chil­dren and adults of vir­tu­al­ly all abil­i­ties, are healthy fun for indi­vid­u­als or groups, pro­vide great exer­cise, and are a won­der­ful way to build team spir­it, part­ner­ship, and self-esteem.

This book is writ­ten for peo­ple who already have some expe­ri­ence with rope ele­ments and want to refresh and extend their knowl­edge about design, belay tech­niques, and the uses for rope ele­ments. Inside you will find details on new ele­ments, belay updates for com­mon stan­dard ele­ments, and use­ful tips on safe­ty, best prac­tices, and min­i­mal envi­ron­men­tal impact.

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Here’s the sample…

Über den Autor

Philipp Strass­er is man­ag­ing direc­tor of out­door­con­cept at Hin­ter­brühl, close to Vien­na. He works on belay research and belay con­cepts for aer­i­al adven­ture parks (known also as ropes course or adven­ture for­est) and invent­ed the SAFE LINK SSB ® Sys­tem and the TWEEZLE ®.He also designs and devel­ops new ropes course ele­ments and zip line sys­tems. Mag. Philipp Strass­er; out­door­con­cept; philipp.strasser @

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